Hello my name is Robin and welcome to my website! At the moment this is mostly just a good old fashioned experiment as I'm still figuring out exactly what I want this project to end up being. So far we have my art, stained glass visits and a random crap page (that is very, very broken..), there may be more traditional blog style posts, a guestbook etc. incoming at some point, we shall see...
But enough about the website, this is the about *me* section! I'm a he/they, twenty-something, stained glass conservation student living in the north of England. My varied interests include stained glass (obviously), cats, polar exploration, printmaking, stamps, languages, LGBT history and art history. I've dabbled in coding before but this is the first project that's ever been public so you get to see my messy experiments thrashing and writhing thier way towards the light of actually ok web design in real time.
I've been very excited to come across the web revivival movement and so far I'm having a lot of fun. As someone who is learning a craft that really hasn't changed much since the medieval period, learning the modern craft of web-design at the same time has been really fun; I actually see a lot of similarities between the Gothic Revival that brought stained glass back into the public consciousness and today's Web Revival!
The header image is a detail from a watercolour by Thomas Matthews Rooke. It depicts a window designed by Ford Madox Brown for Morris & Co. from St Edith's, Tamworth. Image courtesy of Birmingham Museums.