A header image made from a cartoon drawing by Edward Burne-Jones, courtesy of Birmingham Museums. The text reads 'Robin's Nest, a personal and stained glass blog.

The Biddulph Memorial Window (s12)

This window absolutely fascinated me due to the complete lack of information on it in the guidebook! The figures are beautifully rendered and it is clearly a memorial window for members of the Biddulph family (who were a prominent Ledburian family), based on the location next to other memorial plaques/sculptures for the family and the inscriptions on the glass itself. The inscriptions are very tricky to see without clambering on the memorial sculpture in front - I wasn't able to see the middle one at all so I'm not sure who it is depicting without further research. The left light depicts Adela Biddulph who tragically died at 11 in 1867 and the right light depicts St Michael. Upon further examination, I did spot a makers mark for Hardman and Co. but didn't manage to get a picture. I will be going back and hopefully getting some better quality pictures (as well as some of the other windows which are also very lovely!)

A photograph of stained glass depicting three figures, one in each light. The leftmost figure is a young girl, the middle figure a woman spinning thread and the rightmost figure is a depcition of St Michael in armour carrying a shield and standard. He has wings which are made of peacock feathers.

Detail of figures

A photograph of the entire window. You can see heraldry in the traceries above the figures and faint inscriptions below.

Entire window

A photograph of an inscription on the window, painted in gothic lettering. It read 'Adela Margaret Mary Biddulph. Died September 18 1876 aged 11.

Inscription on leftmost light

A photograph of the Biddulph memorial sculpture, directly underneath the window. It is made in a classical style using marble and depicts a mourning figure of a women, under a grecian canopy. She is leaning against a shield shape with is covered in an inscription, which is not legible from the photo.

Memorial sculpture for Biddulphs